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From the Experts

March Brazil 2023 Hearing The Call Humanitarian Trip, sponsored by MrBeast Brazil 2023 – Clinic Day 1 (Part 1)

Before I begin, I want to mention what an honor it was to work alongside seasoned audiologists across the country and having the opportunity to learn from them still (I am forever a student).  In my hearing aid fitting room were Brandi, my officemate who is an audiology assistant and training to be a Hearing Aid Dispenser, and Al Turri’s high school daughter Gabriella, who

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Brazil (Brasilia) Humanitarian Trip March 2023 Day 1

Travel from NJ to Brasilia (the capital of Brazil) was no small feat.  We left for Miami on Tuesday to meet up with colleagues later that day so we could fly into Brasilia together on a red-eye, to arrive Wednesday morning.   Our mission was to carry in 120 hearing aids (generously donated by Widex), 300 receivers, hundreds of dome tips, batteries, and wax filters with

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Hearing The Call Humanitarian Trip To Brazil In 2023 Sponsored By MrBeast

In March 2023, the non-profit organization I am part of, Hearing The Call, was invited by @MrBeast, to fit 1000 people (globally) who are hard of hearing, with hearing aids.  Hearing The Call audiologists, in a span of days, were asked to rearrange their schedules, leave their families, and travel far and wide to achieve this goal.   Over the month of March (we call it

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signs of hearing loss

What are the five signs of hearing loss?

Hearing loss is the total or partial inability to hear in one or both ears. Hearing loss typically happens gradually over time. Some individuals overlook the early signs of hearing loss and find out about it in the later stages. About 25% of adults aged 65 to 74 suffer hearing loss, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). Age and

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Are cheap hearing aids worth buying?

When you first start looking for hearing aids, you might realize that some hearing aids are significantly more expensive than others, which could make you consider cheap hearing aids as an alternative. The question is – are cheap hearing aids worth buying? Hearing aids might look the same or, at the very least, quite similar to one another. However, if you test out two distinct

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Sleep Plugs: Quite Possibly the Savior to Your Marriage!

Sleep Plugs An audiologist might be the next best thing to a couple’s therapist.  It is true, I have been known to save relationships.  How, you ask?  Well, my superpower is helping partners sleep through the night without hearing the sweet symphony of their loved one’s snoring through well-fitting sleep plugs.  These custom plugs function to reduce surrounding noise (such as a partner’s snoring, environmental

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Uncovering the Brain Benefits of Hearing Loss Treatment: A Guide to Cognitive Changes and Preservation

Uncovering the Brain Benefits of Hearing Loss Treatment: A Guide to Cognitive Changes and Preservation It can be difficult to imagine that something as simple as hearing loss treatment could have such tremendous benefits on the brain and cognitive health of those in the elderly population. However, recent advances in hearing aid technology and specialized treatments for age-related hearing loss makes it possible for individuals

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Over the Counter Hearing Aids

On the FDA’s Over The Counter Hearing Aid Regulation What does this audiologist think about OTC hearing aids? Many of you have reached out wanting to know. The Food and Drug Administration has moved to make hearing aids more accessible as Over The Counter (without prescription or medical exam), effective October 2022 for those with mild to moderate hearing losses. I am not against this,

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What is Ear Irrigation?

Earwax Earwax, technically known as “cerumen” is a bodily production that is actually pretty useful- in small amounts, that is.  It naturally cleans as it moves from the inner part of the canal outwards. It gathers dead skin cells, hair, and dirt along the way.  In normal circumstances, excess wax finds its way out of the canal and into the ear opening naturally, and then

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Hearing The Call – Jordan 2022

Dr. Battat is proud to be part of a local and global humanitarian initiative, Hearing The Call. Hearing The Call is an organization that serves local as well as international communities, with trips to Zambia, Guatemala, Mozambique, Ecuador, and Jordan, among several other locations. It functions to provide immediate hearing healthcare access to those with no access to hearing healthcare globally. Its mission is also

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ears professionally cleaned

What Causes Impacted Ear Wax?

Got an earful of wax?  Some of it is good for you. Earwax, technically known as “cerumen” is a bodily production that is actually pretty useful- in small amounts, that is.  It naturally cleans as it moves from the inner part of the canal outwards. It gathers dead skin cells, hair, and dirt along the way.  In normal circumstances, excess wax finds its way out

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What is Real Ear Measurement and Why Is It Important?

Speech Mapping, or Real Ear Measurement, is considered to be the gold standard of hearing aid fitting. It is used to ensure that your hearing aids are programmed for your individual needs. Essentially, your audiologist places a small tube (microphone) in your ears with and without your hearing aid(s), while calibrated sounds are played. This allows your audiologist to measure unique acoustics of your ear

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Learn more about how we can help.

Oracle Hearing Center provides comprehensive preventative, diagnostic and rehabilitation hearing services for pediatric and adult patients. Call us today to schedule your appointment.