Hearing Rehabilitation

Oracle Hearing Center’s hearing wellness journey is a complete aural rehabilitation program that can be considered as an extension of what our audiologists have already shared with you during the initial hearing aid fitting sessions.

What’s great about the hearing wellness journey is that you can do it at your own pace and convenience. The program aims to help retrain your brain so you can hear your best and make meaningful connections effortlessly.

Helping you ease into your new hearing partner

Whether it’s your first time using hearing aids, or you have recently upgraded to a new device, it takes time and effort to get used to new hearing aids. A Hearing Wellness Journey, otherwise known as an auditory rehabilitation program, is a great way to help you ease into your new hearing devices. 

Through a properly-paced hearing rehabilitation program, you can improve your hearing and listening skills to form healthy habits and put what you have learned into practice. 

When you get fitted with new hearing aids, one of the most common recommendations you may hear is to wear your hearing aids all the time so you can get used to new sounds, also known as acclimatization.

The thing is, acclimatization is not as easy as it seems. It takes time and conscious effort – think of it as establishing new habits and routines to ensure that you get the most from your hearing aids.

Please remember that wearing hearing aids does not magically result in improved hearing. Yes, you can expect a noticeable change, but it may not be as smooth-sailing as you expected. Breaking into new hearing aids may need some work into retraining your brain so that it can make use of all of the sounds it picks up.

Let us help YOU

Your road toward better hearing doesn’t end when you get fitted for a hearing aid and take it home from the clinic. Rather, it is only the beginning of your hearing journey. In order to develop efficient communication techniques using your new hearing aid, you must mentally retrain yourself and find the motivation to do so.

At Oracle Hearing Center, we want you to achieve more freedom and independence, adopt a more positive outlook on life, take part in more social events, and maximize the benefits offered by your hearing aids.

Through our hearing rehabilitation program, we can help you reach your unique hearing goals at a pace that’s convenient and comfortable for you. 

Hearing Rehabilitation Program in Lawrenceville, NJ

At Oracle Hearing Center, we know that simply using a hearing aid every day is not enough to ensure hearing aid success. Understanding how to manage hearing loss and learning the best management techniques are important steps in maximizing the numerous advantages of hearing aids.

In one hearing aid fitting session, it would be impossible to discuss all of the topics and tips needed for a successful hearing aid experience. Our hearing rehabilitation program is packed with useful life skills that are designed to provide you with the support, inspiration, and guidance you need as you get used to your new hearing aid.

Are you ready to experience a big difference in your hearing health journey? Give us a call today to know more about our hearing rehabilitation program!

Start Your Path To Better Hearing

Our approach to caring for people with communication difficulties is centered on mutual respect for the individual and their specific needs.

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Learn more about how we can help.

Oracle Hearing Center provides comprehensive preventative, diagnostic and rehabilitation hearing services for pediatric and adult patients. Call us today to schedule your appointment.